World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2016

Award announcement
Boston Global Forum to name Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General Honored As “World Leader for Peace, Security, and Development” at its annual Global Cybersecurity Day event
December 6, 2016
At its second annual Global Cybersecurity Day conference, the Boston Global Forum will announce the recipient of this year’s “World Leader for Peace, Security, and Development” award: Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Secretary General.
The Boston Global Forum is recognizing Ban for leading the UNESCO Global Education First Initiative whose aim is to put every child in school because education is a right, improve the quality of learning to include improving world literacy and foster global citizenship that cultivates respect for the world, each other and prepares children for the interconnected challenges of the 21st Century.
Ban says, “when we put education first, we can reduce poverty and hunger, end wasted potential – and look forward to stronger and better societies for all.”
Additionally in 2016, the Secretary-General worked to reduce conflict and suffering in Syria, Kashmir, along the India-Pakistan border, in Ghana and between Israel and the Palestinians. He also commended the Columbian government and The Columbian People’s Army (FARC-EP) coming to a modified peace agreement.
Ezra Vogel, of Boston Global Forum, and Harvard Professor Emeritus, credited Ban for his “absolutely sincere dedication to making the world a better place, with peace and cooperation between countries.”
Boston Global Forum Chairman Governor Michael Dukakis will make the announcement and speak in honor of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the start of the conference:
“Cyber Deterrence: Safe or Risky”
8:30 AM to 11 AM (EST), Monday, Dec. 12
Loeb House, Harvard University
17 Quincy Street, Cambridge Massachusetts
Last year three honorees accepted the Boston Global Forum award: Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Coverage invited: for press credentials contact: Dick Pirozzolo at [email protected] or +1 617 959 4613
Speaking at this Monday’s event are:
Chris Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues, United States Department of State
Scott Charney , Corporate Vice President for Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Group
Dmitri Alperovitch, Cofounder and CTO of CrowdStrike Inc
Professor John Savage, Brown University
Sean Kanuck, Cyberspace visonary
Kim Taipale, Founder and executive director of the Stilwell Center
Professor Thomas Patterson, Harvard Kennedy School
Professor David Silsberweig, Harvard Medical School
Professor Nazli Choucri, MIT
The Boston Global Forum established “Global Cybersecurity Day” to shine a harsh light on the growing menace of cyber threats and to call for a worldwide effort to create a secure and clean Internet environment and to prevent the outbreak of cyberwar,“ explains Tuan Anh Nguyen, BGF cofounder. Nguyen is widely credited for bringing uncensored and open internet access to modern Vietnam.
Nguyen says, “Each year we invite leading scholars and cybersecurity experts to participate in international discussions aimed at identifying practical solutions to the growing peril of state-sponsored, terrorist and criminally motivated cyber threats. We also honor outstanding people who have made the greatest contributions to peace and security during the year.”
Governor Michael Dukakis, chairman and co-founder of Boston Global Forum, adds:
“We need to make cybersecurity an imperative—as individuals, as organizations, as governments, as the international community. To this end, the Boston Global Forum has developed the Ethics Code of Conduct for Cyber Peace and Security that prescribes how netizens, IT experts, institutions, governments, and others should act to advance the cause of cybersecurity.”
Ban Ki Moon is a South Korean career diplomat who became the eighth Secretary General of the United Nations, when he succeeded Kofi Annan in 2006.
Established in 2012, The Boston Global Forum brings together, in an open and accessible public forum, an eclectic and engaging spectrum of highly regarded academic leaders, real-world experts, influential thoughts leaders, media experts and promising young leaders.
BGF’s immediate goal is to identify emerging threats to peace and stability around the globe, suggest realistic solutions, and identify possible actions that can be taken to avert armed conflict. The Forum’s ultimate goal is to lessen tensions, promote peace and security, and foster conditions that lead to greater social justice and broader economic prosperity wherever they are most needed.

Press release
Statement of Michael Dukakis to The Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
Loeb House, Harvard University, December 12, 2016
I am pleased to announce that this year’s recipient of the Boston Global Forum’s World Leader for Peace, Security and Development Award is Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations.
Ban Ki-Moon was South Korea’s foreign minister before becoming UN General Secretary in 2007. Two decades earlier, he received a Master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School, where he studied under our good friend Joe Nye, a member of the Boston Global Forum’s Board of Thinkers. At the time of Ban Ki-Moon’s selection as Secretary General, Joe recalled that Ban, as a student, had displayed “a rare combination of analytic clarity, humility and perseverance.”
In his two terms as Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon has exerted exemplary leadership on a wide range of issues, from LGBT rights to conflicts in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. He has stood up for those displaced by war and those persecuted for nothing more than being who they are.
Cybersecurity has been a top concern. He has convened expert panels to develop best practices, which have contributed to progress on cyber security, including helping to foster a bilateral cyber security agreement between the United States and China last year.
The Secretary General has led the UN’s efforts to promote global citizenship education, of which the Boston Global Forum is now officially involved. He sees education as a basic right of all children, one that must foster respect for what he calls “our shared humanity.”
He has tirelessly pressed nations to deal with the threat of climate change. Three months ago he announced that a threshold had been passed to bring into force the Paris Climate Change Agreement, saying “When this year ends, I hope we can all look back with pride, knowing that, together, we seized the opportunity to act for the common good, for a sustainable future and the protection of our common home.”
In less than a month, Ban Ki-Moon will step down as Secretary General, leaving behind a distinguished record that we honor today through our World Leader for Peace, Security and Development Award.
Acceptance Message
Message to Boston Global Forum
Loeb House, Harvard University, Cambridge, 12 December 2016
It is a pleasure to greet the Boston Global Forum. I thank Governor Michael Dukakis for his long-standing support of the United Nations and his engagement across the international agenda. I am grateful to the Boston Global Forum for honouring me with its World Leader for Peace, Security and Development Award, which I accept on behalf of the talented and dedicated staff of the United Nations.
It has been a privilege to serve as Secretary-General. My decade in office has been a time of turmoil and challenge. We have seen protracted conflicts, growing inequality, rising extremism and xenophobia, and the largest numbers of refugees and displaced persons since the Second World War.
At the same time, we have opened up new horizons for progress. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development shows that countries can overcome their divisions to act for the common good. The Paris Agreement on climate change entered into force last month – a true landmark in humankind’s efforts to address the defining threat of our time.
Our challenge is to build on these and other gains, and deepen the partnerships we have built among world leaders, the business community and civil society. One can easily be overwhelmed by the latest terrorist attack, extreme storm or outbreak of disease. But even amidst these crises, I continue to see — and believe in — the transformative power of collective action. Let us continue to work together in that spirit. Thank you again for this recognition and for your continued support of the United Nations.
I am delighted to learn that Ban Ki Moon will be honored by the Boston Global Forum for his contributions as a world leader for peace, security and development. It is richly deserved. The Harvard Kennedy School is proud of it many distinguished graduates, but none more so than UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. With best wishes.
– Joseph S. Nye Jr. –